Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It all started one chilly January day while I was at my Hair Salon
{sounds like it would be a pretty good day, right? I mean, I was at the hair salon...that's always a good day!}

Feeling "back to myself" with the color properly put back in my otherwise boring natural hair color, I walked across the street to get in my car, Lilly.

And there, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little flash of pink under my windshield wiper!
{dun dun duuunnn}
A Ticket?!!!
Dear Parking Meter Fairy: You're fired. Love Charity.
Oh wait, it was a note. I friendly little pink-post-it-note.
{how cute. i like pink.}
Dear Parking Meter Fairy: I'm sorry I fired you. You can have your job back. Love Charity.

What was on the note wasn't so cute.

The note kindly stated that they saw someone hit my car and pull away!
{the nerve!}
It also stated the license plate number and a description of the vehicle.

Thank You, wonderful-witness-note-writer!
{Maybe you could be hired along side the Parking Meter Fairy since she has her job back...I'm sure you could have a wand and everything! I'll put in a good word.}

Poor Lilly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I think the decorating bug just bit me...or bed bugs...oh wait, it JAWS!

With the decorating bug taking chunks out of my body nibbling softly to get my attention, I decided it would be a good idea to start off massive small with the re-decorating process.
{I also needed to go to the store and purchase neon band aids for the wounds given by that darn decorating bug}

I ventured out on a bi-polar lovely "Boise weather" day

 in search of things that are pretty (and on sale) and that needed could be placed in our home to add a little change here and there.

So, there I was.
Finding things that matched everyone else's home but my own.

And then, in the distance, I could see something...
There was hope! A glimmer of white and grey and plum inspiration!
Lovely, pretty, make-me-want-to-take-a-nap-instantly,  on sale sheets!

I raced home to get there before Chris so I could "wow" him with my thrifty-yet-matching-our-room-decor, find!
I put them on the bed and taaa-daaa!
I had done it!

With the help of a new curtain
and our new white and grey and plum sheets,
our nest had been re-born!
{it's a little weird to talk about a bedroom and a nest and things that are born and...uhhh,
don't worry, no babies yet...akkkwaaaarrrdddd}

And then it was night time.
Time for us to curl up in our spiced-up room in our matchy-so-nicely, on sale sheets.
{insert Jaws music}
I wiggled in to bed and nuzzled myself into my pillow, excitedly covering myself with the new sheets.
And then it hit me, like an open door to a passing bicyclist...
{I still have nightmares}
For some reason, some idiot smart guy decided to make sheets out of
microfiber polyester?

And they were on our bed!!!

I was blinded by the Sale sign and the matchy-white and grey and plum print of the fabric, I tell ya!!!
{and then robbed}

And so the decorating search continues.
