Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There are kids in Africa that wipe with their hands! What a waste...

Our house was hit.
We are the victims of a very serious incident.
A crime.
Uncalled for. Unexpected. Unimaginable.

Fort Street, Boise Idaho.
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011.
Call for back up.

We never thought it would happen to us.
{how could they do something like this}
Caught off guard.
{we had no idea}
{why us}
Toilet Papered.
{you little jerks}
The perpetrators are more than likely identified as emo-north-ender kids, wearing skinny jeans and dirty hair that is wiped to the side. They are thought to have stole their yuppy parent's expensive roll of ultra-double-comfort-hug-a-grizzly-bear charmin toilet paper.
You know.
The expensive stuff.

{now, don't get me wrong here. we love the north end. we love living here. we have cruiser bikes. we shop at the co-op. and we hope to have little north-ender kids of our own...one day. it's incidences like this, that continue to reaffirm our decision to wait to put the buns in the oven. and on a side note-we like angel soft more than charmin, so there! we don't even like your squishy-bear toilet paper you little jerks.}

bad boys. bad boys.
whatcha gonna do. whatcha gonna do.
 whatcha gonna do when they come for you.
bad boys. bad boys.
{we didn't really call the cops}

I told Chris it was payback from his childhood.
{you know, back in the day}
Payback for when he was a part of a gang.
{Yes, a gang}
{our future north-ender kids will not be joining a gang or using charmin}

The name of the gang, you ask?
{great question, thanks for asking}

That's gangster talk for:

The Toilet Paper Bandits.

They were rascals.
Rascals with toilet paper.
And they Knew. How. To. Use. It.

{It's payback I tell ya, now involving innocent victims, such as myself, who never toilet papered anything but her own tooshie}

The legacy of the TPB lives on.
You little jerks.

1 comment:

  1. OH no!!!! you are a crack up and I love reading your blog!! Sorry you got tp'd. Have to say that's never happened to us in the suburbs....... although we have had our porch lights stolen :)
