Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Be still...

As we are headed towards our 3 month anniversary, we have dared to search for our first major purchase together. Charity's xterra (named Joey) is being sold in a few days, and we are trusting that God has the perfect car for us that will be a blessing and "add no sorrow." (Joey is one of the many names that goes onto a Starbucks cup when Charity says her name...Sharon, Terri, Joey, etc makes a great guessing name game at Sbucks).

We also decided that since we are trying to pay OFF bills, we didn't want to add any more debt so we are searching for a car that will work with the money we get from selling Joey.

The last few weeks since we have been posting the xterra on craigslist, Chris has been searching like a madman for "a good enough car for his new wife." =) Needless to say, we finally found one we both liked and put a reasonable offer in on it that wasn't too far off base. We got the shaft. We got kicked off the island. We had to talk to the hand. We did not pass go or collect $200 or a get new car.

So, the search continues but our trust doesn't waiver. God is in control and He cares about the little things in our lives...even a car! We have no doubt that God is working in places we can't see and is preparing the perfect one for us! The interesting part is now going to be timing (as it usually is with God in control), since Charity wont have a car to drive after Joey goes to her new home in a few days...

I guess until we find another one,
boys will be boys and play with their toys!
This is Kermit, by the way...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot Tub Club

We are now the proud owners of a spectacular hot tub we got for free-99!
Hot Tub Club Rules:
1. Clothing is Required (unless you are the owners, which in that case, this rule does not apply).
2. No pets allowed (including Jackson).
3. Girls nights are a must (spilling is frowned upon).
4. A ridiculous amount of fun and laughter should be happening while in the hot tub.
5. Wiki Wiki